What To Know About Staying At An All-Inclusive Resort Part 4: Chair Hogging and What To Do About It…

One of the most complained about aspects of staying at an all-inclusive resort is that of dealing with “chair hogging”.  You’ve probably run into this if you’ve stayed at any resort…You know, those guests who get up at 5 a.m. to “reserve” poolside/beach loungers or daybeds with a shoe, book, towel, practically anything they can get their hands on, go back to bed to sleep, and then show up around 12 noon or later (and quite possibly never show up at all) to claim their lounger.  I’ve even seen incidents where one guest claimed primo loungers both poolside AND at the beach, but that was around 7 a.m. not 5 a.m.–I’m not typically a morning person so I even doubt if there is such a time as 5 a.m.  In the meantime, other guests trying to get a lounger in a normal manner can’t find any, or wind up with less than desirable lounger locations such as no shade, far from the pool, obstructed views, or cramped spaces.  Or even worse, guests may wind up with only one dilapidated lounger and have to share it which is not a very relaxing way to spend the day at the pool or beach.

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