Drone Video of Royal Hideaway Playacar

Take a look at Royal Hideaway Playacar from a drone’s perspective–this was taken prior to the renovations, so a few outdoor spaces may look a tad different here than what the resort currently looks like (re. Deck and Grill outdoor space specifically).  Have you been here since the completion of the renovations, and, if so, how does it compare?

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Grand Sunset and Grand Riviera Princess Resorts Drone Video

Another resort drone video, this time it’s a brand new one!  If you are a fan of the mega-resorts Grand Sunset Princess or Grand Riviera Princess, take a look.

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Dreams Playa Mujeres Room Tour

The Vacation Couple’s newest video of their trip to Dreams Playa Mujeres is up on YouTube; for those of you booked into the Preferred Club Master Suite Swim-Out Ocean View or the merely curious, have a look.

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Videos of New El Dorado Seaside Suites (not Sensimar)

While this resort is on my vacation short list, there is not a lot of dedicated material on it yet despite its opening in late 2015.  Although the resort was partially accessible to guests at that time, amenities have been completed in stages meaning that guests have been unable to fully access or enjoy everything this new resort has to offer.  Here are a few short videos which, hopefully, will give you a better idea of what the resort presently looks like.  (If you’d like to read a review of property amenities, here’s the link).

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Intro Video to Breathless Riviera Cancun

While half of this video is computer generated, it gives a good impression of what some of the public spaces are like.  The actual room footage I love, the shower situation reminds me of Secrets the Vine without the frosted glass.  Definitely a resort for couples.  Take a look!

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