Can Thinking About Travel Increase Happiness?

I found a good article on how planning future travel plans or even thinking about travel can improve one’s mental health.  The article sites research studies done to support its premise which is one reason why I found it to be interesting.  Based on a 2014 Cornell University study, some major mental health benefits involved with planning future travel included the pleasure of anticipating an experience, the pleasure connected with discussing one’s travel plans with others (increased social interaction makes one feel better), and the pleasure involved in a more optimistic outlook on life (I have a future/something to look forward to).  If you want to read more about the article and its associated links, click here.

If you want a suggestion for a summer read, check out “Blue Mind” by Wallace J. Nichols, an interesting book about the biology/physiology behind the association with water and better mental health and ability to function.  I am a beach person without a doubt, and this read helped explain my fascination with this type of vacation.

Here’s to more beach vacations and future travel plans!

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