Is There Any Secret To Getting A Room Upgrade?

The title to this blog post is rather misleading since there obviously is no secret to getting a room upgrade.  If there were, we would all eventually be in on the secret and all get our dream room for a fraction of what we would normally pay.

However, there are a few tricks you can follow in order to improve your chances of getting a complimentary room upgrade.  From my limited knowledge of the industry in general as well as my own personal experience, here are some of the ways you too can try and get the room you really want:

  • Although those who work in the upper levels of the hospitality industry will most likely deny it, vacationers who book directly with a hotel or resort are often given preference over those who pay a cheaper price by booking with a third party wholesaler.  You are seen as a loyal or potentially loyal customer and they will want to reward that behavior by giving you little upgrades–better room locations, more possibility of getting complimentary “somethings”.  (If you want to use a travel agent, do your own research first and find the best price, then contact your travel agent and see if (s)he can match that price–but that is how to get the best price and that is for another blog post).  Travel agents can always request upgrades for you, but they don’t automatically have an advantage in getting your upgrade unless there is a special contractual relationship between the agent and who (s)he is contacting.  So, the bottom line is, if possible, book directly with the resort you want to stay at for your vacation.
  • Don’t wait until you check-in, ask for your upgrade in advance.  The question is, when is the most optimal time in which to do so?  The best time to contact a hotel or resort in general prior to your vacation is 7-10 days in advance of your arrival.  Give the resort your booking/confirmation number and the TIME YOU WILL BE ARRIVING and ask for whatever upgrade you are looking for.  (If you are celebrating a special event and want an upgrade of some type and the resort wants to include special amenities such as sparkling wine, you won’t arrive to a room with melted ice in a bucket and warm refreshments).  Remember, a request is NEVER a guarantee, so don’t automatically expect you will get what you want even if you do everything to improve your chances of getting your upgrade.
  • If you wait until your arrival to the resort to request your upgrade, you can do one of several things (or try multiple options)–you can be direct and ask nicely if you can have a complimentary upgrade, you can do it the roundabout way and ask questions about something you are particularly interested in concerning the upgrade, or you can do what some guests do and that is bribe the check-in person with a generous bit of cash/pesos.  I received a complimentary upgrade at Iberostar Tucan by asking lots of questions about where on the property monkeys were most typically sighted as well as what room category I would have to be in to see them, and the check-in person decided to treat me and put me in an upgraded room so I could improve my chances of having my monkey experience.  That kind of approach may be a bit more work, but it may pay off like it did for me.
  • The longer your stay at a resort the more chance you have of getting a free upgrade.  If you’re going to be staying longer you have more chances to use the resort’s amenities which you have to pay for, such as spa services or upgraded liquor/wine for example, and that always looks good to a resort or hotel.
  • Bring a copy of your wedding certificate if you want a complimentary upgrade when celebrating an anniversary.  Not every check-in staff will believe you when you say you want an upgrade because you are celebrating your anniversary and they may just tell you there are no other availabilities.  You can also contact the resort in advance and tell them you will be celebrating a special event and ask for your upgrade then as well–I would still bring the wedding certificate if they ask for verification.
  • Join hotel’s loyalty programs for chains that you frequent or think you may frequent, and it is also a good idea to know their rules.  Many chain hotels and resorts have their own loyalty programs, and most of them you can join for free; again, you will be seen as a more loyal customer and therefore more likely to get special treatment.  Check the resort’s web page; they will typically list it at the top of their page.  More well known chains like Hilton or Hyatt offer points and rules that go with their points.  Certain loyalty program levels do offer complimentary upgrades, so know their rules in advance so you can request one if you have the right to one.
  • There is a point of contention about arrival time and chances of getting a complimentary upgrade.  Some travelers advocate for arriving early in the day to get “first dibs”, while others advocate arriving shortly after check-in time (it’s usually 3 or 4 p.m. now at most resorts) when most rooms are clean and on the list to be assigned.  You can experiment and see which one works for you–I fly in from the west coast and don’t have the opportunity to get to resorts early so I cannot verify that from personal experience.
  • Remember, be kind and appreciative to check-in staff.  They are on their feet the entire shift and often deal with tired, disgruntled passengers who’ve just had to deal with the frustrations of flying, so they get a lot of flack which may not be directly related to anything they’ve done or not done.  If you don’t act entitled or angered, they may be more likely to give you your upgrade.  If you come across like you deserve the upgrade just because you requested it, I can pretty much guarantee you won’t be getting it.
  • Don’t be afraid to “name drop”.  If you are an Elite/VIP member of a resort chain or have a following on social media, let the resort know in advance.  Your chances of getting an upgrade increase by giving them this information.

If anyone has found other ways to improve your chances of getting a complimentary upgrade, please let us all know by posting your comments below.  See you in Cancun!

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