Has Anyone Heard Of Resorts Limiting All-Inclusive Access The Days of Arrival and Departure??

I was just doing my typical random reading of all-inclusive resorts during some free time and was looking over the all-inclusive inclusions/exclusions for Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun.

I thought I knew almost everything there was to know about staying at an all-inclusive resort in the Cancun/Riviera Maya area, but this blew me away and I wondered whether this may become a new standard for other such resorts in this area…

If you click halfway down the resort homepage to Services and Amenities, then go over and click Allinclusive, you read the typical amenities covered in one’s resort stay.  But then at the very end it states, All Inclusive benefits start from 3 p.m. on arrival date, and end at 12 p.m. on departure date.  Whaaaat???  If I’m reading this correctly, that means no drinks, food, pool use, nothing until 3 p.m. the day you check in, and you get nothing after check-out even if you have a late flight.  What about if your flight arrives in the morning?  What are you supposed to do?  Sit in their lobby and twiddle your thumbs until 3 p.m.??  I’ve had most of my stays end with checking out at 12 p.m. and then leaving late afternoon since I live on the west coast–I could always use resort amenities, have a late lunch, swim, have a last bar drink, etc. before my shuttle picked me up, now it sounds like this resort can’t wait to get rid of you and only reluctantly accepts you as a guest.

Has anyone else had this experience at a resort in Cancun or the Riviera Maya?  How about at an all-inclusive resort elsewhere?

What do you think about this policy?  I think it sucks big time and will only reflect badly on the resort.  I certainly hope this will not catch on as a $ saving resort policy where management only looks on it as another way to save a dime…Am I getting up in arms for no good reason?  I’d hate to waste my energy in that way.  Let me know what you think in the comment section below.  If you are new to posting on my blog, it might be a bit of time before I get around to officially approving you and make sure you are not some salesperson or random weirdo wanting to post links to inappropriate material.



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