More Info On Akumal Bay Snorkeling Rules

I found a nice link concerning the most recent info about snorkeling in Akumal Bay–it even has a small map so that people can get an idea of where snorkeling is allowed.  Just follow this link.

PROFEPA’s Current Rules for Akumal Bay Snorkelers

As of March 28, 2017, these are the most up-to-date and concise rules concerning snorkeling in Akumal Bay: Continue reading

Fins Banned at Akumal Bay?

I just read on the Friends of Akumal Bay page on Facebook that the new Profepa rule states that all fins are now banned from snorkelers at Akumal Bay.  This reportedly includes all tour group members as well as guests staying at the resorts.  Wow.  Fins disturb the sand which prevents the sun from nourishing sea bottom grasses as well as potentially damaging coral beds, so looks like the new rule makes sense for the turtles but may present a different kind of snorkeling experience for vacationers.